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Unity Worldwide Ministries

Current Music For Unity of Sacramento

Unity of Sacramento

Date: September 4, 2022
10:30 pm - Main Sanctuary

Speakers: Bishop Flunder

Title: ____________________________

1. Musical Inspiration: Shine

[ somewhere before the Meditation: the Birthday Song ]

2. Welcome and Vision Statement - Rev. E

3. Our Thoughts Are Prayers

4. Breathing Space Meditation, Rev E or Carla or David Cook

5. Musical Inspiration: Wholly, Holy Way (Choir)

6. The Message: "___________________" (Bishop Flunder)

7. Musical Inspiration: Thank You (Lead: Dahlia, with Choir)

8. Blessings of Tithes and Offering

9. Youth from Sunday School This Little Light of Mine

10. Reminders

11. We All Belong and Prayer for Protection

(bold=involves music team)

Shine (Rev C):
audio (3:45)      lyrics
chart (in x)

Wholly, Holy Way:
audio (5:28)      lyrics
chart (in x)

Thank You (Walter Hawkins):
audio (6:25)      lyrics
chart (in x)

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